How Domain Works?

When you register a domain name from an approved registrar (like Tservers4), you effectively secure the rights to use that domain name for a set period of time.

When you’ve registered your domain name, the next step is to point it to the server which hosts your website. Note that it can also take up to 72 hours for any changes you make to propagate, which is a fancy way of saying that different internet providers from around the world take time to update their records.

The good news about owning a domain name is that you’re able to associate it with other services, such as email addresses. You can also create subdomains (i.e. and set up redirects and forwarders. You can even buy multiple domain names and forward them all to the same website.

Domain names are also interoperable, which means that you’re not usually limited to the provider that you bought from. In the same way that you can change your hosting provider, you can also migrate your domain name.

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